SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 13

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains pirAtt’s reaction when they don’t change on her advice.

sUthram 13

upadhESaththAlE mILAdhapOdhu chEthananai aruLAlE thiruththum; ISvaranai azhagAlE thiruththum.

Simple Explanation

When they don’t change on hearing her advice, she reforms the chEthana with her mercy and ISvara with her beauty.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

upadhESaththAlE mILAdhapOdhu

The reason for the chEthana not changing even after hearing pirAtti’s advice is due to dhurvAsanA (bad impressions) etc as said in thiruviruththam 95 “yAdhAnum paRRi nIngum” (leaving emperumAn citing any reason), since time immemorial, he is turning his face away from bhagavAn and being immersed in worldly pleasures.

The reason for ISvara not changing even after hearing pirAtti’s advice is due to his total independence which stops his heart showing mercy towards the chEthana, which is due to his intention to punish him according to the chEthana’s mistakes.

Due to these reasons, when both ISvara and chEthana do not retract from their karma pArathanthryam (subservience towards karma), even after hearing pirAtti’s advice,

chEthananai aruLAlE thiruththum – Thinking “Alas! His bad thoughts should be eliminated and good thoughts should occur in him”, she showers her great mercy upon him as said in thiruvAimozhi 9.2.1 “pangayaththAL thiruvaruL” (the divine mercy of the one who is seated in lotus flower) and due to that  his sinful thoughts get eliminated and he turns towards bhagavAn.

ISvaranai azhagAlE thiruththum – When emperumAn abandons her advice saying “Stop bothering me! This is not your duty”, she rolls her eyes romantically, relaxes her garments and bewilders him with her beauty and makes him follow her words and become ready to accept the chEthana.

Thus, from sUthram 7 “purushakAramAmbOdhu” up to here, the qualities which are required for her purushakAram, how she reveals them, how she performs purushakAram in union and separation and the ways in which she does them are all well explained.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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