SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
Subsequently, piLLai lOkAchAryar explains with an example that the prapaththi performed by the chEthana will be considered as an offense when thinking about the previous activities.
sUthram 147
nedunAL anyaparaiyAyp pOndha bhAryai, lajjA bhayangaL inRikkE bharthru sahASaththilE ninRu “ennai angIkarikka vENum” enRu apEkshikkumAppOlE iruppadhu onRiRE ivan paNNum prapaththi.
Simple Explanation
A wife, who was engaged outside the marriage for a long time, without shame and fear, arriving in front of her husband, requested him “You should accept me”. The prapaththi performed by the chEthana is similar to this.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
nedunAL …
That is – when a wife, who had no attachment with her husband and was engaged with other men and was the target of her husband, without the shame of thinking “How can I, who am in this state, stand in front of him without any shame” and without the fear of thinking “He has seen my activities all along. What will I do if he punishes me thinking ‘How dare she comes and requests me to accept her!’?” goes to her husband, stands in front of him and requests him to accept her, what a great offense it will be! Similarly, chEthana who has been away from bhagavAn all along, without the shame of thinking about the previous activities of self and without the fear of what will we do when he punishes, goes in front of bhagavAn and stands there, accepting him as the upAyam [i.e. performing prapaththi].
Hence, up to here, svagatha svIkAra anupAyathvam (performing prapaththi on our own, not being upAyam) and paragatha svIkAra upAyathvam (bhagavAn accepting us, being upAyam) were explained.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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