SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 148

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Now, piLLai lOkAchAryar explains that sarvESvaran becoming subservient to a chEthana due to his independence (freewill) is stronger than that which happens due to his mercy on seeing the chEthana’s pursuit of bhagavAn.

sUthram 148

krupaiyAlE varum pArathanthryaththiR kAttil svAthanthryaththAlE varum pArathanthryam prabalam.

Simple Explanation

The subservience of bhagavAn towards chEthana acquired due to his freewill is stronger than that which is acquired due to his mercy.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

krupaiyAlE …

That is – ISvaran has two ways to become subservient towards chEthanas. They are:

  1. When chEthanas, out of great sorrow, without any refuge, come and surrender at his divine feet, due to his mercy, he becomes subservient to obey their words.
  2. Just like a ceremonial elephant or a king who will choose a successor for the kingdom, emperumAn, due to his uncontrollable independence, will unconditionally accept some chEthanas and place himself at their disposal.

Among these two ways, the former may be stopped by his independence and fail. But the latter will never fail since it cannot be stopped by anything else. Hence the latter is stronger.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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