yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam – Part 24

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Now, narration on SrIrangam temple

In those days, the mahAthmAs (great people) who lived in SrIrangam used to recite daily the SlOkam “SrIman SrIrangaSriyam anupadhravAm anudhinam samvardhaya” (Let the wealth (of servitude) of SrIrangam increase every day, without any hurdle) along with periyAzhwAr’s “thiruppallANdu” (let periya perumAL live forever), thirumangai AzhwAr’s SrIrangam pAsuram “Ezhai Edhalan” (this poor person of lowly birth …), nammAzhwAr’s 7.4.1 pAsuram “Azhi ezhach changum” (let the divine disc and divine conch rise …), carrying out manaLASAsanam (praising emperumAn)  and surrendering to him. Their mangaLASAsanam bore fruit as a king, by name gOpaNAryan, who was ruling from senji (thiruvaNNAmalai) went to thiruppathi, worshipped namperumAL there and on the way back, mercifully brought namperumAL to his town of singarAyapuram, near senji. He was worshipping namperumAL with total devotion, waiting for an opportune time to attack the invading forces who had taken roots in SrIrangam. thirumaNaththUn nambi gave the green signal at the correct time to attack. gOpaNAryan, with an unsurpassed army strength, went and freed SrIrangam from the clutches of invaders, installed namperumAL with SrIdhEvi and bhUdhEvi, in periya perumAL’s sannidhi, just as it has been narrated in this SlOkam

AneeyAneelaSrungathyudhirachitha jagadhranjanAthanchanAthrES senjyAm
ArAdhya kanchit samayamatha nihadhdhayOththanushtAn thurushkAn
lakshmI kshamApyAmupApyAm saha nijanilayE’sthApayath ranganAtham
samyakcharyAm saparyAmakrutha nijayaSO dharpanO gOpaNArya:

(gOpaNAryan, who has shining fame, like a mirror, mercifully brought namperumAL from thiruvEngadam, also called as anjanAchalam since it gives happiness to the world due to its lustre from its completely black top, to his place, senji, for some days; after worshipping emperumAn there, he killed the Turks (invaders) with his bow and arrows, and installed ranganAthan, along with SrIdhEvi and bhUdhEvi, in his original abode of SrIrangam and carried out divine worship aptly).

Just as it has been said in the pAsuram “kongum kudandhaiyum kOttiyUrum pErum engum thirindhu viLaiyAdum …” (playing everywhere such as kongu nAdu [western region of thamizh nAdu], thirukkOttiyUr, thiruppEr etc) and “mayalmigu pozhilsUzh mAlinjOlai” (in thirumAlirunjOlai which is surrounded by orchards which have great mesmerising abilities), “viraiyAr pozhil vEngam” (thirumalai which is full of gardens with fragrance), namperumAL went to all these places and after annihilating the enemies, returned to SrIrangam as said in the pAsuram “kOyiRpiLLAy ingE pOdharAyE” (Oh, the dweller of temple, come here!) in sakAptham 1293, parithApi samvathsaram (year), vaikAsi month (rishabha mAsam) 17th day with SrIrangam celebrating just as ayOdhyA did as said in “rAmassIthAmanuprApya rAjyam punaravApthavAn” (SrI rAma won back sIthA and attained his kigdom again). It was a sight to behold, just as it has been said in “thirumagaLOdu inidhu amarndha selvan” (emperumAn sitting fittingly, along with SrI mahAlakshmi), “vIRRIrundha maNavALar mannu kOyil” (it was the temple where azhagaiya maNavALan (namperumAL) was residing), with azhagiya maNavALan sitting along with his nAychchimArs (SrIdhEvi and bhUdhEvi) on sErapANdiyan (the divine simhAsanam on which namperumAL sits with his ubhayanAychchimArs), manifesting his reign over SrIrangam with his sceptre.

SrIvishNavas, residing in far-away places too, on hearing this incident, felt ecstatic just as it has been said in

bahUninAma varshANi gathasya sumathvanam
SrunOmyaham prIthikAram mamanAthasya kIrthanam

(I heard the great news that namperumAL, having reached huge forest for a long time, returned mercifully), thinking that it was their fortune that namperumAL returned after such a long time. Immediately, everyone came there, worshipped namperumAL’s divine feet, feeling extremely happy as said in “prahrushtam uthithOlOka” (people felt very joyous). perumAL (emperumAn) too, just as it has been said in SrI rAmAyaNa SlOkam “vijvara: pramumOthaha” (feeling happy after getting rid of fever and worry) looked at everyone with coolness and showered his mercy on them. He looked at the southern direction, showering his mercy on azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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