SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
aNNan takes refuge under mAmunigaL
Subsequently, as said in the SlOkam
rAmAnujapadhAmbOja saugandhya nidhayOpiyE
asAdhAraNa maunnathyamavadhUya nijamdhiyA
uththEjayanthas svAthmAnam thaththEjassampadhA sadhA
svEshAmathiSayam mathvA thathvEna SaraNam yayu:
(those who had obtained as treasure the sweet fragrance from the divine feet of emperumAnAr (rAmAnujar), intending to obtain a greater glow for themselves by ridding themselves of greatness which was their own, thinking that they will get greatness because of that mAmunigaL’s abundant effulgence, surrendered completely to that mAmunigaL), all the preceptors including kandhAai aNNan, being blessed by rAmAnujar and having greatness in terms of their birth, knowledge and conduct, without looking at their greatness, being firm in their minds that only connection with jIyar’s divine feet will provide them all their greatness, approached jIyar to take refuge under his divine feet. aNNan went in the divine presence of jIyar and told him “The day that you had fixed for showering mercy on followers has also arrived. Some who were prevented by embA and others [earlier] have corrected their path due to the reason of emperumAn telling them in their dreams and have gathered in this gOshti (assembly). dhEvarIr should shower mercy on all”. jIyar beckoned vAnamAmalai jIyar and told him to make all the arrangements for carrying out samASrayaNam. jIyar [maNavALa mAmunigal] carried out thiruvArAdhanam (divine worship of emperumAn) and offered divine food and fruits. He called all those who were to undergo samASrayaNam and carried out all the activities which are normally done, viz thApa: puNdrasthathAnAma manthrOyAgaScha panchama: (embossing the divine symbols, applying the twelve thirumaNkAppu (protective emblem of emperumAn), giving a dhAsyanAmam (name for being the servitor), manthrOpadhESam (instructing the recital of divine manthrA (hymn) of emperumAn) and carrying out dhEvapUja (method of carrying out daily worship to emperumAn)). He kept looking mercifully at aNNan, with happiness.
appAchchiyAraNNA takes refuge under vAnamAmalai jIyar
jIyar pointed to vAnamAmali jIyar and mercifully said “He is very dear to our heart. Whatever greatness happened to us, should also happen to him”. aNNan, knowing the divine mind of jIyar said “adiyEn could have taken refuge under him” to which jIyar replied “How could we let go of what is ours?” aNNan looked at his relatives mercifully, hinting at jIyar’s desire. The son of Achchi, known as aNNa, got up and prostrated before him; jIyar asked him his desire; he said “dhEvarIr should allow adiyEn to take the divine feet of our lord, vAnamAmalai jIyar” jIyar was very happy and exclaimed “Are you our appAchchiyAraNNan!” (the son of Achchi). He then caught appAchchiyAraNNan by his hand, kept him by his side, got up from his seat and asked vAnamAmalai jIyar to take his seat. He then handed over appAchchiyAraNNan to vAnamAmalai jIyar and told him to carry out samASrayaNam to him. vAnamAmalai jIyar was hesitant; jIyar told him “Do not hesitate; carry out what is dear to us” He then hugged appAchchiyAraNNan and made him to take refuge under vAnamAmalai jIyar’s divine feet. Immediately, appachchiyAr aNNan’s younger brother, dhASarathi appai also took refuge under vAnamAmalai jIyar’s divine feet. vAnamAmalai jIyar got up from the seat and said “Please let go of adiyEn; this is enough” He went a distance and prostrated from there. Then mAmunigaL carried out samASrayaNam to kandhAdai aNNan’s younger brother, kandhAdai appan and other brothers as well as other relatives and their spouses and children; a total of 120 persons completed this. singaraiyar and others too underwent samASrayaNam under mAmunigaL. From the temple, all the employees came there, with prasAdham from perumAL. jIyar went out, received the temple respects with due reverence and mercifully called the people inside. kandhAdai aNNan cherished them and presented them with gifts appropriately. Subsequently, all the people who had taken refuge that day went mercifully to the temple, worshipped emperumAnAr, AzhwAr, nAchchiyAr and perumAL, praising them in each sannidhi and returned to jIyar’s matam. They took part in the thadhIyArAdhanam (feast provided to the followers of emperumAn). Everyone felt happy and reminisced thOzhappar’s dream when dhEvarAjap perumAL had said “jagathrakshAparO’nandha” (ananthAzhwAn, who is fully engaged in protecting this world, would reincarnate…) [please refer to part 5 of this prabandham]. All those who had taken refuge under mAmunigaL, reminisced about his superhuman, wondrous narrations and recited the SlOkam
chiravirahathaS chinthA santhAnajarjajara chEthasam
bhujagaSayanam dhEvambhUya: prasAdhayithum dhruvam
yathikulapathi: SrImAnrAmAnuja svayamithya bhU
thidhithi samadhushan sarvE sarvathra thathra suthIjanA:
(the wise people there were very happy saying that since SrI ranganAthap perumAL had been languishing thinking constantly about SrI rAmAnujar, who is the lord of yathis (ascetics) after he had left this world, he had reincarnated as maNavALa mAmunigaL in order to make perumAL happy). They considered mAmunigaL as reincarnation of rAmAnujar, fell at his divine feet and were affectionate towards him. When jIyar was mercifully living like this with his Sishyas he asked thiruvAzhiyAzhvAr piLLai to verify SrIkOsams (manuscripts on emperumAnAr dharSanam) and to keep them in safe custody; he appointed writers to write old/damaged manuscripts properly and make copies of these. Whenever he required, he had the SrIkOsams to be given to him so that he could explain Idu (muppaththARAyirappadi commentary for thiruvAimozhi) through additional sentences.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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