SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 254

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Previously, piLLai lOkAchAryar revealed the reason for periyAzhwAr performing mangaLASAsanam constantly and other AzhwArs performing it occasionally; now, he is mercifully explaining clearly how periyAzhwAr is performing mangaLASAsanam constantly.

sUthram 254

bhaya nivarthakangaLukku bhayappaduvadhu, prathikUlaraiyum anukUlarAkkik koLvadhu, athItha kAlangaLil apadhAnangaLukku uththara kAlaththilE vayiRerivadhu, prApthipalamum idhuvE enbadhu, animisharaip pArththu “uRagal uRagal” enbadhAykkoNdu idhudhAnE yAthraiyAy nadakkum.

Simple Explanation

For periyAzhwAr, performing mangaLASAsanam will be a continuous activity through the following ways:

  • fearing for those which eliminate our fear
  • turning unfavourable ones to be favourable
  • having his stomach burn (in fear) for incidents happened in past
  • saying that performing mangaLASAsanam is the goal
  • requesting those who never sleep to not sleep

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

bhaya nivarthakangaLukku …

That is,

when emperumAn shows the strength of his shoulders with which he effortlessly killed the wrestlers, to remove AzhwAr’s fear in seeing his beauty and worrying “What is going to happen to him?”, instead of venerating such strength of his shoulders, AzhwAr fears thinking “What if he enters into a battle with asuras and rAkshasas?” and performs mangaLASAsanam;

when emperumAn says “While pirAtti, whose merciful glance is sufficient to eliminate existing inauspiciousness and to bring auspiciousness which was missing, remains inseparable from me saying as in thiruvAimozhi 6.10.10 ‘agalagillEn iRaiyum‘ (I won’t leave even for a moment), is there any inauspiciousness which will occur to me? Why are you scared?” and shows his relationship with lakshmI, he fears thinking “What will happen to this togetherness?” and performs mangaLASAsanam singing as in thiruppallANdu 2 “mangaiyum pallANdu” (Long live SrI mahAlakshmi);

to eliminate his fears, when emperumAn says “To not be affected by any danger, I am having two AzhwArs – chakkaraththAzhwAr (disc) and SankAzhwAr (conch) in my two hands who are like strong forts. See!”, AzhwAr fears thinking “What will happen to either of them?” and performs mangaLASAsanam singing as in thiruppallANdu 2 “sudarAzhiyum pallANdu” (Long live the radiant disc) and “pAnjasanniyamum pallANdu” (Long live the conch);

[in thiruppallANdu prabandham] after gathering together those who seek bhagavAn’s divine feet and who are favourable due to seeking kainkaryam only from bhagavAn, without being satisfied, he reformed those who seek worldly wealth and self enjoyment and who are unfavourable due to seeking something other than kainkaryam from bhagavAn, and made them favourable to be engaged in performing mangaLASAsanam;

performing mangaLASAsanam for acts which were performed by emperumAn in the past, as if it is happening now as said in thiruppallANdu 3 “ilangai pAzhALAgap padai porudhAnukkup pallANdu kURudhum” (Perform mangaLASAsanam to the one who fought in lankA to destroy the whole place);

saying that the goal of reaching bhagavAn is only to perform mangaLASAsanam to him as said in thiruppallANdu 12 “sUzhndhirundhEththuvar pallANdE” (will surround (bhagavAn) and perform mangaLASAsanam forever in paramapadham);

as said in SrIguNarathnakOSam 24 “snEhAdh asthAna rakshA vyasanibirabhayam SArnga SankAsi mukyai:” (due to love, the five primary weapons bow, disc, sword etc who unnecessarily doubt their protection skills) – seeing those who never blink their eyelids in protecting bhagavAn due to their unnecessary doubt in protecting bhagavAn, periyAzhwAr repeatedly says “Don’t be mesmerised by his qualities such as beauty and forget your duty as if having drunk poison; don’t be engaged in kainkaryam due to enjoying him; always remain awake and protect him”.

In this manner, periyAzhwAr is always engaged in performing mangaLASasanam.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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