SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 269

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In sUthram 263, piLLai lOkAchAryar identified svaprayOjanaparar (those who are surrendered to emperumAn but having self-interest in kainkaryam) without any adjective [i.e. at par with other unfavourable persons]; but such self-interest appears to be seen in AzhwArs who are best among the favourable ones; hence, piLLai lOkAchAryar, desiring to eliminate the thought of such unfavourable aspect in them, raises a doubt in this context.

sUthram 269

svaprayOjanaparar ellAraiyum prathikUlarAga ninaikkalAmO ennil?

Simple Explanation

When asked “If all such persons with self-interest can be thought of to be unfavourable?”.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

svaprayOjanaparar ellAraiyum …

It appears that even AzhwArs have this self-interest as seen in pAsurams such as periya thirumozhi 9.3.9 “namakkE nalam Adhalil” (since this is good for us to attain), thiruvAimozhi 6.9.2nAn kaNdugandhu kUththAda naNNi oru nAL gyAlaththUdE nadavAyE” (You should arrive one day on the earth and walk here, so that I can reach you and physically see you to my delight and to make me dance), periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 2.7.9 “kaNdu nAn unnai ugakka” (for me to see and enjoy) and in actions such as performing madal; thus, if we were to identify all those who have self-interest to be unfavourable, then, will AzhwArs also be thought in that same way? – is the opinion for the doubt.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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