SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 322

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

For the Sishya who has been defined to possess certain qualities in this way, piLLai lOkAchAryar ordains the special perception which the Sishya should have towards his AchArya.

sUthram 322

manthramum, dhEvathaiyum, palamum, palAnubandhigaLum, pala sAdhanamum, aihika bhOgamum ellAm AchAryanE enRu ninaikkak kadavan.

Simple Explanation

Sishya should consider his AchArya to be everything such as manthram, the dhEvathA who is the target of the manthram, the result, those which accompany the result and worldly pleasure.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

manthram …

That is – Sishya should consider his everything to be AchArya such as

  • thirumanthram which protects those who meditate upon it as said in “manthAram thrAyatha ithi manthra:” (It is known as manthra since it protects those who meditate upon it)
  • emperumAn who is the dhEvathA revealed in that thirumanthram
  • the great benefit of kainkaryam which is the result of such emperumAn’s grace
  • the ancillary aspects which follow the great benefit such as elimination of ignorance etc, realisation of true nature of the self, remaining in the same divine abode etc
  • the means which bestow such results
  • children, wife, house, land, domestic animals, food etc which are enjoyment in this world

As said in SAsthram as in “gururEva parabrahma gururEva parandhanam | gururEva para:kAma: gururEva parAyaNam | gururEva parAvidhyA gururEva parAgathi: | yasmAth thadhupadhEshtAsau thasmAth gurutharOguru: |” (AchArya is paramAthmA; AchArya is the best wealth; AchArya is the best desirable aspect; AchArya is the refuge; AchArya is the best path; for the reason why such AchArya instructed this thirumanthram, he is greater than all AchAryas) and in “ahika Amushmikam sarvam sachAshtAksharadhO guru: | ithyEvam yEna manyanthE thyakthavyAsthE manIshibhi: ||” (The AchArya who instructed ashtAksharam is both worldly and divine wealth; those who don’t think like that are to be abandoned by great personalities), piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully saying this to be an ordainment in “ninaikkak kadavan“.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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