SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
In this manner, emperumAn is putting efforts for the AthmA’s liberation even when he was turning away from emperumAn, through creation, incarnations etc, due to his unconditional mercy; mercifully explaining that result of such mercy must be compulsorily experienced for the AthmA with an example, piLLai lOkAchAryar affirms what was explained previously in sUthram 398 “nirbharanAy irukkumiththanai” (one should remain free from burden).
sUthram 402
karma palam pOlE krupA palamum anubhaviththE aRa vENum.
Simple Explanation
Just as the result of [one’s] karma, the result of [bhagavAn’s] mercy must also be experienced to exhaust the same.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
karma palam pOlE …
That is – the result of one’s own puNya and pApa must be experienced to exhaust as said in brahma vaivartham prakruthi kANdam 26.70 “avaSyam anubhOkthavyam krutham karma SubhASubham | nAbhuktham kshIyathE karma kOti Sathairapi ||” (The karma which was performed in the form of good and bad deeds, has to be experienced. Even after passing one hundred crore days of brahmA, such karma will not be exhausted without experiencing it); similarly though the result of his mercy, which will push away the karma which is the cause of eternal bondage, is not desired by the AthmA, [when it occurs] it must be compulsorily experienced.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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