AchArya hrudhayam – 76

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Instead of explaining as in the previous sUthram, for those who insult thiruvAimozhi highlighting inferiority on the language (thamizh) in which it is written and the varNa of AzhwAr, who is its author, nAyanAr brings about an undesirable outcome which they have to accept.

chUrNikai 76

pEchchup pArkkil kaLLap poynnUlgaLum grAhyangaL; piRavi pArkkil anjAm Oththum aRumUnRum kazhippanAm.

Simple Explanation

If we give importance to the language, samskrutha literature which opposes vEdham should be accepted. If we have to reject a literature based on the [non-brAhmaNa] varNa of the author, mahAbhAratham and SrI bhagavath gIthA must be rejected.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is – whether something is in samskrutham or dhrAvidam (thamizh), whatever is in praise of bhagavAn, should be pursued; other topics should be rejected irrespective of the language it is in; instead of doing this way, accepting or rejecting literature by just considering language in which they are written alone, if one decides to reject literature based on its being written in thamizh language, one needs to accept even literature which are contrary to vEdhams as said in periya thirumozhi 9.7.9 “veLLiyAr piNdiyAr bOdhiyAr enRivar OdhuginRa kaLLa nUl” (bAhya SAsthrams which are false and are written by pASupathas, jainas and baudhdhas) and periya thirumozhi 2.5.2poynUlai meynUl enRu enRum Odhi” (learning the scriptures of those who reject vEdham, believing them to be true), should be pursued.

If this prabandham is to be rejected because the author, nammAzhwAr, is born in fourth varNa, mahAbhAratham, the fifth vEdham, which is written by vyAsa, who is the son of a fisher-woman, and gIthOpanishath which has three hexads of chapters which is spoken by krishNa, a cowherd boy, should be rejected. With this, the problem in rejecting this prabandham just based on the language and birth of the author, is highlighted.

Alternative explanation.

Instead of addressing the point of inferior language and birth of the author leading to rejecting a literature, nAyanAr is responding to those who say that we can only pursue that which is in samskrutham and done by those who have superior birth, and is highlighting the undesirable outcome which they have to accept then.

Instead of having bhagavathparathva (literature written on bhagavAn) and anyaparathva (literature on others) as the reason for pursuing and rejecting a literature, if we consider only the greatness of the language in which the literature is written, then the bAhya SAsthrams which are rejected as said in periya thirumozhi 9.7.9 “kaLLa nUl” and periya thirumozhi 2.5.2poynUl“, have to be pursued.

Instead of having those literature which are spoken by those who have true knowledge to be pursued and those who have false knowledge to be rejected, if we consider that only the literature which are spoken by person of superior birth should be pursued and inferior birth should be rejected, mahAbhAratham, the fifth vEdham, which is written by vyAsa, who is the son of a fisher-woman, and gIthOpanishath which has three hexads of chapters which is spoken by krishNa, a cowherd boy, should be rejected.

With this, the undesirable outcome of considering superior language and birth of the author as the reasons for pursuit of such literature, is explained.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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