AchArya hrudhayam – 91

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Subsequently, nAyanAr mercifully explains that not only AzhwAr has general greatness which is applicable for bhAgavathas, he also explains the pramANam (evidence) which highlights the special greatness explained in three statements starting with sUthram 82 “janaka dhaSaratha …”.

chUrNikai 91

thamizh mAmuni dhikku SaraNyam enRavargaLAlE kvachith kvachith enRu ivar AvirbhAvam kaliyum kedumbOlE sUchitham.

Simple Explanation

By the sages who said “We salute at the direction of agasthya, the great thamizh sage”, AzhwAr’s appearance is shown as in SrI bhAgavatham 11.5.38 and 39 “kvachith kvachith” (here and there), as done by nammazhwAr himself in thiruvAimozhi 5.2.1kaliyum kedum” (kali will be destroyed).

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

thamizh mAmuni dhikku SaraNyam enRavargaLAlE – As said in kurugA mAhAthmyam “dhakshiNA dhik kruthA yEna SaraNyA puNyakarmaNA” (By that agasthya who has virtuous deeds, the southern direction has become a refuge), the sages declared that the southern direction which is the abode of agasthya who is the promoter of dhrAvida SAsthram, as said in perumAL thirumozhi 10.5vaN thamizh mAmuni” (agasthya munivar (sage), who created the easy-to-speak thamizh language). Now nAyanAr is saying this to answer the question for those who doubt “Would sages, who are vaidhikas, glorify nammAzhwAr who has written a thamizh prabandham?” by explaining “Just as they glorified agasthya who was an expert in thamizh, and attributed goodness for the southern direction, they will honour nammAzhwAr who uplifted the world through thamizh prabandhams”.

kvachith kvachith enRu ivar AvirbhAvam – as said in SrI bhAgavatham 11.5.38 and 39 “kruthAdhishu narA rAjan kalA vichchanthi sambhavam | kalaukalu bhavishyanthi nArAyaNa parAyaNA: || kvachith kvachith mahArAja dhrAvidhEshu cha bhUyacha: | thAmrabharaNI nadhI yathra kruthamAlA payasvinI || kAvErIcha mahAbhAgA prathIchIcha mahAnadhI || yE pibanthi jalam thAsAm manujA manujESvara | thEshAm nArAyaNE bhakthirbhUyasi nirupadhravA ||” (Oh king! Those who are from krutha yugam etc desire to be born in kali yugam. Oh king! In kali yuga, those great personalities who consider nArAyaNa to be the goal to attain, will be born here and there; on the places where rivers such as thAmirabharaNi [AzhwArthirunagari], kruthamAlA (vaigai) [madhurai], pAlARu (payasvini) [kAnchIpuram], the great kAvEri [SrIrangam], the bEriyARu (mahAnadhi) which reaches the sea on the western side, are running, these great personalities will be born. Oh king! Those who drink the water from these rivers, will develop devotion towards nArAyaNa without any tinge of sorrow), the sages revealed the places where these personalities will be born using the rivers which pass by those places and indicate that those who drink the water from those rivers will have great devotion towards bhagavAn; while doing so, since right in the beginning, as nammAzhwAr’s birth place is identified as in “thAmrabharaNi nadhI yathra“, his incarnation is

kaliyum kedum pOlE sUchitham – As AzhwAr is divinely blessed with “mayarvaRa madhinalam” (knowledge,without a trace of bewilderment, matured into devotion), he foretold the arrival of thirumangai AzhwAr, udaiyavar et al in thiruvAimozhi 5.2.1kaliyum kedum” (kali will be destroyed), mercifully saying that they will incarnate and the [evil] nature of kali will be eliminated; similarly Suka et al who knew the past, present and future, foretold the arrival of AzhwArs.

The statements such as in kurugA mAhAthmyam “krUrE kaliyugE prApthE nAsthikai: kalUshikruthE, vishNOramSAmSasam bhUthO vEdha vEdhArtha thathvavith, sthOthram vEdhamayamkarthum dhrAvidyApicha bhAshayA, janishyathi sadhAm SrEstOlOkAnAm hithakAmyayA” (When the kaliyuga is bewildered by atheists arrivál, nammAzhwAr who is born as vishNu’s incarnation’s incarnation, who knows the truth of vEdham and vEdhAntham and who is best among the true philosophers, is going to be born to make the essence of vEdham into thamizh prabandhams with the intent to bring auspiciousness for everyone), are also indicating AzhwAr’s incarnation, they are also indicated. nAyanAr is using the word AvirbhAvam which is a term synonymous with avathAram, to imply that AzhwAr’s birth is also for the sake of others, just as bhagavAn’s incarnations. From this, it is understood that he is a special incarnation.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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1 thought on “AchArya hrudhayam – 91”

  1. jai srimannarayan

    very nice commentry and easily understandable

    great service to srivaishnavas

    kindly continue

    adiyen swamy


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