SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains who is the qualified person for this independent means of AchArya abhimAnam.
sUthram 462
bhakthiyil aSakthanukku prapaththi; prapaththiyil aSakthanukku idhu.
Simple Explanation
For the one who is incapable to pursue bhakthi yOgam, prapaththi is available; for the one who is incapable to pursue prapaththi, AchArya abhimAnam is available.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
bhakthiyil aSakthanukku …
That is – as said in Athma sidhdhi “ubhaya parikarmitha svAnthasya akAnthikAthyanthika bhakthi yOgaiga labhya:” (bhagavAn is attainable by bhakthi yOgam which is without any other expectation by the one who is having pure heart decorated with karma yOgam and gyAna yOgam), bhakthi yOgam occurs for the one whose heart is reformed by karma yOgam and gyAna yOgam which were performed in thousands of previous births; it is in the form of self-effort which is contrary to the totally dependent nature of AthmA; for the one who withdrew from such bhakthi yOgam, considering oneself to be incapable for it due to its difficult nature and nature of being a hurdle for the true nature, there is prapaththi which is based on abandonment [of all other means], is easy to perform and matches the true nature of the self which is to be totally dependent on bhagavAn.
In prapaththi, since it is difficult to acquire great faith in bhagavAn and due to fear of ISvaran’s svAthanthryam (independence) which will lead to either bondage or liberation, one will think that one is incapable for prapaththi; since AchArya abhimAnam is helpful for such a person and for animals etc, this ultimate means of mercy of a true AchAryan, who does not expect great faith and will only lead to liberation, is present for those who are incapable to perform prapaththi.
For the one who is incapable to perform bhakthi yOgam, though there are two reasons viz difficulty and being contrary to the true nature, being contrary to the true nature is the main reason; for the one who is incapable to perform prapaththi, though there are two reasons viz lack of great faith and fear for bhagavAn’s svAthanthryam, fear for bhagavAn’s svAthanthryam is the main reason; previously, he has explained this in sUthram 444 and sUthram 445 saying “svasvAthanthrya bhayaththAlE bhakthi nazhuviRRu; bhagavath svAthanthrya bhayaththAlE prapaththi nazhuviRRu“. With this – it is explained that just as one will become qualified for prapaththi due to having no other refuge by being incapable to pursue any other means, the qualified person for AchArya abhimAnam also has no other refuge by being incapable to pursue any other means.
Alternative explanation:
piLLai lOkAchAryar is firmly establishing the independent nature of AchArya abhimAnam.
Simple Explanation
Same as the previous explanation.
Just as prapaththi, which is ordained for one who is incapable to perform bhakthi yOgam, is independent in nature, Acharya abhimAnam, which is ordained for one who is incapable to perform prapaththi, is also independent in nature.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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