SrI: SrImathE satakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

In SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam, SrIrAmAyaNam is glorified as an important SAsthram. In this, the glories of bhagavAn, SrI mahAlakshmi and their devotees are beautifully shown. Since the principle of SaraNAgathi is very clearly revealed, it is glorified as SaraNAgathi SAsthram.
SrIman nArAyaNa, the divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi, accepted the prayers of dhEvathAs and incarnated as the divine son of emperor dhaSaratha, in this material world. Incarnating in this manner, while he lived as one among the humans here, he remained as the one with auspicious qualities. In general, it is said that a person is glorified due to his qualities. While he is already bhagavAn, the supreme, who creates, protects, annihilates all the worlds, shows the good path and grants liberation for all residents of this world, in SrIrAmAvathAram, by his qualities and beauty he was glorified and worshipped by the people of this world.
SrIrAma’s divine history was beautifully rendered as Adhi kAvyam by vAlmeekI bhagavAn. vAlmeekI bhagavAn who was blessed by brahmA, has narrated bhagavAn’s every act beautifully. This is what is known as SrI rAmAyaNam. In AchArya paramparA, the most merciful periyavAchchAn piLLai who is glorified as vyAkyAnach chakravarthi (emperor among commentators) composed a beautiful prose prabandham narrating SrI rAmA’s history, named pAsurappadi rAmAyaNam, which is made of divine words from AzhwArs’ pAsurams. Following this prabandham, let us enjoy SrIrAma’s leelAs and their essence here.
- bAla kANdam
- ayOdhyA kANdam
- AraNya kANdam
- kishkindhA kANdam
- sundhara kANdam
- yudhdha kANdam
- Conclusion
Source –
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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