SrIrAma leelAs and their essence – sundhara kANdam

SrI:  SrImathE satakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:  SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

SrIrAma leelAs and their essence

<< kishkindhA kANdam

Most powerful hanuman crossed the great ocean and entered the aSOka vanam, which was inside lankA which was surrounded by multiple fortresses, and reached sIthAp pirAtti. He met with vaidhEhi (pirAtti) and elaborately narrated SrI rAma’s history and submitted his ring to her. These are the incidents which were narrated by hanuman to pirAtti:

  • Once in SrI ayOdhyA, when sIthAp pirAtti and SrI rAma were living happily, on a particular night, sIthA pirAtti tied SrI rAma using a jasmine garland,
  • When the coronation of SrI rAma to the throne was announced, mantharA, the hunched-back lady confused kaikEyi’s heart, kaikEyi went to dhaSaratha and requested for two boons namely bharatha to be coronated and SrI rAma to be sent on exile. The emperor who was bewildered by this told SrI rAma “You go to the forest” and bid farewell to him. SrI rAma along with sIthAp pirAtti and lakshmaNa went to the forest.
  • On the banks of river gangA, guha, who was the king of hunters, became close friends with SrI rAma.
  • While they were in chithrakUta, bharatha came and surrendered to SrI rAma, requesting him to return to SrI ayOdhyA, but SrI rAma refused and gave his pAdhukAs (sandals).
  • Once a crow, which had demoniac qualities, pecked pirAtti’s divine bosoms while she had SrI rAma resting on her lap. He woke up, became very angry, aimed brahmAsthram at the crow and released it. The crow roamed around everywhere and finally fell at SrI rAma’s lotus feet. With the help of pirAtti’s recommendation, SrI rAma merely destroyed that crow’s eye.
  • Based on sUrpaNakA’s instigation, rAvaNa sent mArIcha as a golden deer. Seeing that, pirAtti became attracted to it, and due to SrI rAma’s great love towards her, he went after that holding his bow. Subsequently lakshmaNa also separated from her.

In this manner, hanuman informed pirAtti the incidents which were told by SrI rAma, and handed over SrI rAma’s ring to her. sIthAp pirAtti who had beautiful hair, became very emotional on seeing the ring and placed it on her head joyfully and acknowledged the incidents mentioned by hanuman.

Subsequently, rAkshasas came to attack the most powerful hanuman, and hanuman easily destroyed them. And then he killed rAvaNa’s son aksha. Then indhrajith arrested hanuman and brought him to rAvaNa. He gave some good advise to rAvaNa which was ignored by him. rAvaNa ordered the rAkshsasas to kill hanuman. They set fire on hanuman’s tail. With that fire itself, hanuman caused lot of damage in lankA.

He then returned to aSOka vanam and told sIthAp pirAtti that he will carry her and unite her with SrI rAma. pirAtti rejected that proposal and told him that if SrI rAma did not come within a month, she will give up her life.

hanuman then left from there, crossed the ocean and reached the place where the vAnaras were waiting and gave them the good news. They started towards kishkindhA. On the way, they stopped at sugrIva’s favourite orchard known as madhuvanam where he rests sometimes, and enjoyed by ransacking it. Finally they reached SrI rAma and hanuman gave joy to SrI rAma by informing the news of seeing sIthAp pirAtti.


  • This kANdam is known as sundhara kANdam since this is focussed on sIthAp pirAtti and since it shows the greatness of hanuman, where both of them are both beautiful and have a beautiful speech.
  • hanuman has great oratorical skills. He spoke in such a way as to relieve the sorrow of pirAtti and stop her effort in killing herself.
  • hanuman is the best example for perfectly accomplishing the task which was taken up. Though finding out the location of pirAtti is the primary goal, he caused great damage to lankA and instilled fear in rAvaNa’s heart and thereby acted according to the divine will of SrI rAma.
  • When hanuman prayed to pirAtti that he can carry her to SrI rAma, pirAtti did not agree for that. She was very firm that SrI rAma only should destroy lankA and rescue her.
  • By hanuman’s act of locating pirAtti and saving her life, he saved pirAtti, and through that he saved SrI rAma who exists by pirAtti’s existence and the whole world which exists by SrI rAma’s existence.

Source –

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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