SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
Subsequently, piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully explaining the nature of prapaththi which is the pursuit of the upAyam (bhagavAn) and which was incidentally highlighted by him in sUthram 22 “prapaththi upadhESam paNNiRRum“. In that, first, he is mercifully addressing the doubt of “Why is krishNa instructing prapaththi in the battlefield without checking the time and without arjuna purifying himself with a bath etc? Are there no rules relating to dhESa (place) etc for prapaththi?”
sUthram 23
prapaththikku dhESa niyamum kAla niyamum prakAra niyamum adhikAri niyamum pala niyamamum illai.
Simple Explanation
There are no restrictions based on dhESam (place), kAlam (time), prakAram (method), adhikAri (qualified person) and palam (result).
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
prapaththi is bhagavachcharaNa varaNam (accepting bhagavAn as upAyam).
dhESa niyamam – This must be done only in holy abodes and not to be done in other places.
kAla niyamam – This must be done in vasantha (spring) etc seasons only and not in other times.
prakAra niyamam – This must be done only after bathing, washing the feet etc and not in any other manner.
adhikAri niyamam – This must be performed only by thraivarNikas (people of first three varNa namely brAhmaNa, kshathriya and vaiSya), and not by others.
pala niyamam – This must be done to attain certain visible and invisible results, and not for other results.
These niyamams (restrictions) are not present for prapaththi since:
- this prapaththi is not having greatness or otherwise of the superior or inferior nature of the place, time etc
- just as a person dipping in a holy river can either be pure or impure, this prapaththi itself is so naturally pure that both pure and impure persons can be related to it
- this prapaththi is the means to attain the results, matching the taste of the chEthanas (sentient beings)
Lack of restrictions based on place, time, method and qualification for prapaththi is explained in bhArathwAja samhithA “najAthi bEdham nakulam nalingam naguNakriyA: | na dhESE kAlau nAvasthAm yOgOhyayam apEkshathE || brahma kshathra viSaSSUdhrA: sthriyaSchAnthara jAthaya: | sarva Eva prapadhyEran sava dhAthAram achyutham ||” (This prapaththi does not expect [discriminate based on] different species (celestial, human, animals, birds), clans such as brAhmaNa etc, gender, qualities, good deeds, place, time, stages of life such as childhood, adulthood, old-age etc. brAhmaNas, kshathriyas, vaiSyas, Sudhras, women, those who are outside the varNa system will all [qualify to] reach achyutha who is the creator of everything).
Lack of restrictions based on result for prapaththi is explained in sanathkumAra samhithA “prapaththE: kvachithapyEvam parApEkshA navidhyathE | sAhi sarvathra sarvEshAm sarva kAma palapradhA ||” (prapaththi, unlike other means such as karma yOgam, does not expect external assistance. This prapaththi can grant any desired result at all places for everyone).
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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