SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 33

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Subsequently, piLLai lOkAchAryar is answering the question about lack of restrictions based on the result which is sought for the prapaththi.

sUthram 33

pala niyamam inRikkE ozhindhapadi en? ennil dharmaputhrAdhigaLukkup palam rAjyam; dhraupadhikkup palam vasthram; kAgaththukkum kAliyanukkum palam prANam. SrI gajEndhrAzhwAnukkup palam kainkaryam; SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAnukkup palam rAmaprApthi. perumALukkup palam samudhra tharaNam; iLaiya perumALukkup palam rAmAnuvruththi.

Simple Explanation

How is that there is no restriction based on the result which is sought? That is because many personalities have sought many results for their prapaththi as seen in:

  • dharmaputhra et al seeking kingdom
  • dhraupadhi seeking garment [to protect her chastity]
  • Crow (kAkAsura) and kALiya, the snake, seeking to save their lives
  • SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn seeking kainkaryam
  • SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn seeking to reach and remain with SrI rAma
  • SrI rAma seeking to cross over the ocean
  • SrI lakhsmaNa seeking to follow and serve SrI rAma

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pala niyamam inRikkE ozhindhapadi en? ennil – piLLai lOkAchAryar is answering the question “How is that there is no restriction based on the result which is sought?”

dharmaputhrAdhigaLukkup palam …

With this, as dharmaputhra et al who were performing surrender and were shown as examples to prove the lack of restriction based on the individual’s qualification, performed surrender for kingdom, garment, saving their lives, kainkaryam, to remain with SrI rAma, to cross over the ocean and to follow and serve SrI rAma respectively, it is proven that there is no restriction based on the result which is sought.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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