SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 43

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully responding to the question “Are there personalities who have surrendered based on agyAnam (ignorance) etc?”

sUthram 43

agyAnaththAlE prapannar asamathAdhigaL; gyAnAdhikyaththAlE prapannar pUrvAchAryargaL; bhakthi pAravaSyaththAlE prapannar AzhwArgaL.

Simple Explanation

All of us are prapannas (surrendered persons) due to ignorance; pUrvAchAryas (our earlier preceptors) are prappannas due to great knowledge; AzhwArs are prapannas due to overwhelming bhakthi.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

agyAnaththAlE …

agyAnaththAlE prapannar

Since, to start with, there is absence of knowledge etc which are required to engage in other upAyams, having no other refuge, those who have performed bharanyAsam (surrendered and placed the burden) in bhagavath vishayam (towards bhagavAn).


Due to his naichyAnusandhAnam (considering self to be lowly), he is mercifully including himself along with ignorant persons.

gyAnAdhikyaththAlE prapannar

Those who have complete knowledge which is acquired by realising the true nature of the self which makes one tremble on thinking about the other upAyams which are destructive for such true nature, having no other refuge, surrendering to bhagavAn matching the true nature.


SrIman nAthamunigaL, yAmunAchAryar, yathirAjar et al.

bhakthi pAravaSyaththAlE prapannar AzhwArgaL

Due to completeness of their love towards bhagavAn, as said in periya thiruvandhAdhi 34kAlAzhum nenjazhiyum kaN suzhalum” (When I hear about the beauty with which you are reclining in the milk ocean, my legs become weak, my heart melts and my eyes spin around) and in thiruvAimozhi 7.2.4 “itta kAl itta kai” (My daughter’s leg and hand remain [unmoved] wherever they were placed), having very weakened senses, being not qualified for performing any sAdhanam (means), having no other refuge, those who have performed bhara samarpaNam (surrendered their responsibilities [at the lotus feet of emperumAn]). nammAzhwAr has clearly and mercifully explained that those who are overwhelmingly devotional, will not be able to engage in any of the upAyams [such as karma, gyAna, bhakthi yOgams] in thiruvAimozhi 5.7.2 “unnaik kANum avAvil vIzhndhu nAn enguRREnum allEn” (being captivated in love to enjoy you, I am not present in the state of worldly people too) and in thiruvAimozhi 5.1.4 “en koLvan unnai vittennum vAsagangaL solliyum van kaLvanEn manaththai valiththuk kaNNa nIr karandhu nin kaN nerunga vaiththE enadhAviyai neekkagillEn en kaN malinam aRuththu ennaik kUvi aruLay kaNNanE” (I, the mischievous, saying the verses of praises such as “leaving aside you, which benefit/goal will I have?”, who stole the AthmA since time immemorial, pulled my heart back and changed the tears and brought that heart closer to you; yet I am unable to release my AthmA from the samsAram; Oh krishNa who says “mA sucha:” to those who are in sorrow! Removing my defects such as ignorance, accept me who is incapable)

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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