SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 86

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

A question arises here.

In SAsthram it is explained that giving up one’s body (willingly entering into death) for the sake of bhagavAn is a means to reach bhagavAn. That is, as seen in

  • agni purANam “vishNO: kAryam samudhdhiSya dhEhathyAgO yadhA krutha: | thadhA vaikuNtam AsAdhya mukthO bhavathi mAnava: ||” (If one gives up his body for the purpose of bhagavAn, at that time, such man will be liberated and reach vaikuNtam)
  • vAyu purANam “dhEva kAra parObhUthvA svAm thanum ya: parithyajEth | sayAthi vishNu sAyujyam api pAthakathrun nara: ||” (A man who gives up his body for the purpose of bhagavAn, even if he is a sinner, will reach the abode of vishNu)
  • vAmana purANam “ranganAtham samASrithya dhEhathyAgam karOthiya: | thasyavamSE mruthA: sarvE gachchanthyAthyanthikam layam ||” (For the one who is surrendered to SrI ranganAtha without any expectation and who gives up his body, anyone who is born in his family will reach paramapadham)
  • Further, specifically this point is explained by bhagavAn himself in mahAbhAratham ashvamEdha parvam, vishNu dharmam 5th adhyAyam “agnipravESam yaSchApi kuruthE mathgathAthmanA | sayAthyagni prakASEna vimAnEna mamAlayam || prANAms thyajathiyO marthyO mAm prapannOpyanASakam | bAlasUrya prakASEna vrajEth yAnEna math gruham ||” (One who has placed his mind on me and who enters fire, will reach my abode, paramapadham. He will ride a  vehicle flying in the air, which shines like fire and reaches me. One who is surrendered to me, after giving up his body, travels in a radiant vehicle which resembles young sun in radiance, reaches my abode where there is no decay)

A prapanna who is ananya sAdhana (one who does not pursue any other means) should not pursue any means other than bhagavAn. In such  case, should piLLai thirunaRaiyUr araiyar, who is a prapanna not have avoided such act? Why did he give up his body for bhagavAn?

piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully responds to that question here.

sUthram 86

ivanukku vaidhamAy varamadhiRE thyajikkalAvadhu, rAgaprApthamAy varumadhu thyajikka oNNAdhiRE.

Simple Explanation

For a prapanna, any aspect [which can be considered as means] which comes as part of rules and regulations, can be given up, but anything which comes out of love, cannot be given up.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ivanukku …

That is, for a prapanna, those statements in SAsthram such as “idham kuryAth” (do this), can be analysed and abandoned as necessary. Unlike that, on bhagavAn who is so enjoyable, in whose absence life cannot be sustained, and who is apt target for us, the aspects which occur due to love cannot be abandoned, even if one tried very hard.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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