yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam – Part 97

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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When jIyar was in such a condition, mElnAttuth thOzhappar and his elder brother, azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr mercifully came to SrIrangam, to worship perumAL. bhattarpirAn jIyar [one of mAMunigaL’s ashtadhik gajangaL] met them on thenmAdavIdhi (present day theRku uththara vIdhi) and asked them “Where are you coming from? Where are you going to?” They, in total purity of mind and humility, prostrated before jIyar and told him about their desire to worship perumAL. jIyar told them “When you are with such knowledge and devotion, and are favourable towards sath vishayams (matters relating to perumAL), should you not worship our periya jIyar who is a reincarnation of rAmAnujar?” They immediately agreed to his suggestion and went with him to jIyar’s matam.  Just as it has been said in the verse “maNavALa yOgi thanjamAm malarththALiNai kAtti” (showing the divine, lotus-like feet of maNavALa mAmunigaL as the refuge), they worshipped the divine feet of periya jIyar. azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr [elder of the two athithis] recited the pAsuram

pOdhach chivandhu parimaLam vinjum pudhukkaNiththa
SIdhak kamalaththai nIrERavOttich chiRandhadiyEn
Edhaththai mARRum maNavALa yOgi inimai tharum
pAdhak kamalangaL kaNdEnenakkup payam illaiyE

(I have seen the divine, lotus-like feet of maNavALa mAMunigaL, which are reddish, like a flower, with lot of fragrance, and which are fresh and cool as well. They are capable of removing my faults. Now that I have seen those divine feet, I have no fear) and they prostrated at jIyar’s divine feet. jIyar looked at them with his divine eyes, just as they had expected and thought of thirunArAyaNapuram, which was always in the divine mind of rAmAnujar. He reminisced the SlOkam composed by rAmAnujar in his final days

gachchan padham paramuvAcha vachAmsi yAni rAmAnujArya ihathEshu chathurthasidhdhAm
SrIyAdhavAdhri vasathim sathatham bhajanthas santhO bhavanthi mamasandhathi mUlanAtha:

(those who live permanently in thirunArAyaNapuram are mahAns (eminent people) as mentioned by emperumAnAr, the head of our clan of surrendered people, as the fourth of his (six) words around the time that he ascended his divine abode of SrIvaikuNtam). jIyar asked “Is there no one among our disciples who is living permanently in thirunArAyaNapuram?” thOzhappar (the younger of the two brothers) tied his cloth on his head and sought permission from jIyar saying “adiyEn desires this kainkaryam [of staying  permanently in thiruvArAyaNapuram]”. jIyar was ver much pleased, on hearing this and told him “Stay permanently in thirunArAyaNapuram, carrying out managALASAnam to yathirAja sampathkumAra (the name of the emperumAn there), which will be pleasing to emperumAnAr and to us”, ordaining him.

Making aNNarAyar to take refuge under bhattarpirAn jIyar

Around that time, aNNarAya chakravarthy, hailing from the clan of thirumalai nallAn, a clan which was praised by rAmAnujar, came to SrIrangam along with his family members, to worship perumAL at SrIrangam. aNNarAyar’s mother saw groups of devotees (who had come to the temple to worship perumAL), who were going to worship jIyar, who was in his ultimate stage. She asked aNNarAyar “Should we not go and worship jIyar?” aNNarAyar went with his family to jIyar’s matam, and with the purushakAram (recommendatory role) of bhattarpirAn jIyar, prostrated at the divine feet of jIyar, like an uprooted tree. jIyar’s divine feet, which had remained folded, having not seen anyone to approve of in a long time, now stretched out, as brought out in the SlOkam

thatha: sthimithamudhkshipya charaNam chakralAnchitham
krupayA mUrdhni vinyasya saninAya kuruSramam

(later, that maNavALa mAmunigaL mercifully lifted his divine feet which had the impression of chakram (divine disc), and with mercy, pressed them against his divine head and fulfilled his great desire). jIyar kept his divine feet on the divine head of aNNarAyar and mercifully graced him. Disciples, who were seeing this, exclaimed the fortune of aNNarAyar. jIyar told aNNarAyar “Aren’t you the one who protected our emperumAnAr jIyar at thiruvEngadam in such a way that traitors of thiruvEngadam could not harm him, as well as carried out many activities favourable towards our dharSanam? ” He futher added “There is nothing apt for your stature ; you could have come here sometime earlier” He then called bhattarpirAN jIyar saying “Oh gOvindhappa dhAsar! Come. Just as it is said ‘rAmasya dhakshiNO bAhu‘ (lakshmaNa is referred to as SrI rAma’s right hand), aren’t you our right hand? Hence, considering that it has been carried out by us, carry out panchasamskAram to these people who are desiring it”, pointing out to aNNarAya chakravarthy, thOzhappar and azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr and told bhattarpirAn jIyar to make them dharSarna pravarthakas (enable them to spread rAmAnuja’s philosophy). bhattarpirAn jIyar too, mercifully, carried out periya jIyar’s order in a very distinguished way. Subsequently, appiLLAn and jIyar nAyanAr (periya jIyar’s grandson from his pUrvASramam (when he was a gruhastha)) prostrated at the divine feet of jIyar and requested him “You should grant us a divine vigraha of dhEvarIr’s, as our refuge”. jIyar granted their wish by giving them his copper pitcher (sombu) as material for making two vigrahams such that each could keep one vigraham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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