SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 237

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Previously, piLLai lOkAchAryar showed that the birth etc which lack the connection with bhagavAn, are despised; subsequently, he is showing that even birth as animal etc when connected with bhagavAn, are well prayed for.

sUthram 237

rAjAvAna SrIkulaSEkarap perumAL thiryak sthAvara janmangaLai ASaippattAr.

Simple Explanation

SrI kulaSEkarap perumAL, who was a king, desired to be born as animals and plants.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

rAjAvAna …

That is – SrI kulaSEkarap perumAL who has the greatness of being born in the second varNa (kshathriya), despite animal and bird species being identified as pApayOni (birth that is due to sins committed) as said in “SarIrajair karmadhOshair yAthi sthAvarathAm nara: | vAchikai: pakshi mrugathAm ||” (A person due to offences committed by body takes birth in plant species; due to offences committed by speech the person takes birth in bird and animal species), desired to be born in plant species which have relationship with thirumalai AzhwAr (the thirumalA hill) as a rare goal to attain as said in perumAL thirumozhi 4.1 “vEngadaththuk kOnEri vAzhum kurugAyp piRappEnE” (Let me be born as the crane living in the divine tank of thirumalA, named kOnEri), perumAL thirumozhi 4.2 “mInAyp piRakkum vidhiyudaiyEn AvEnE” (Let me have the fortune to be born as a fish), perumAL thirumozhi 4.4 “seNbagamAy niRkum thiruvudaiyEn AvEnE” (Let me have the wealth of being a shenbaga (champaka flower) tree), perumAL thirumozhi 4.5 “thambagamAy niRkum thavamudaiyEn AvEnE” (Let me have the penance of being a thambaga (a type of bush) tree).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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