SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
To clarify the doubt “Whether stealing bhagavAn’s belongings will be undesirable for bhagavAn just as the other ones?” piLLai lOkAchAryar explains “not just stealing of his belongings will be undesirable for him, but even receiving such belongings from the person who stole them by requesting or by voluntary sharing will also be undesirable for him”.
sUthram 304
bhagavath dhravyaththaith thAn apaharikkaiyum, apaharikkiRavargaLukku sahakarikkaiyum, avargaL pakkal yAchithamAgavum ayAchithamAgavum parigrahikkaiyum, bhagavAnukku anishtamAy irukkum.
Simple Explanation
Stealing bhagavAn’s belongings, helping those who steal them, accepting such stolen things from them after requesting or as part of their voluntary sharing, will all be undesirable for bhagavAn.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
bhagavath dhravyaththai …
thAn apaharikkai
Being the one who directly steals.
apaharikkumavargaLukku sahakarikkai
Thinking that we are not stealing, helping those who steal by allowing them to do so etc.
avargaL pakkalilE yAchithamAga parigrahikkai
Thinking “Did we not help them in stealing?” and accepting some of those belongings by requesting them to give.
ayAchithamAga parigrahikkai
Thinking “We did not ask for them” and accepting what was given voluntarily by those who stole.
bhagavAnukku anishtamAy irukkum
All of these will be undesirable for the divine heart of sarvESvaran who is trying to uplift the jIvAthmA.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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