SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
Subsequently, setting out to explain the lack of restriction based on the qualification of the person who surrenders, piLLai lOkAchAryar answers the question of a curious person.
sUthram 32
adhikAri niyamam inRikkE ozhindhapadi en? ennil dharmaputhrAdhigaLum, dhraupadhiyum, kAgamum, kALiyanum, SrI gajEndhrAzhwAnum, SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAnum, perumALum, iLaiya perumALum thodakkamAnavargaL SaraNam pugurugaiyAlE adhikAri niyamam illai.
Simple Explanation
How is lack of restriction based on the qualification of the person who surrenders, seen? As dharmaputhra et al, dhraupadhi, crow, kALiya, SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn, SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn, SrI rAma, SrI lakshmaNa et al performed surrender, there is no restriction based on the qualification of the person who surrenders.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
adhikAri niyamam inRikkE ozhindhapadi en? ennil
piLLai lOkAchAryar is answering the question “How is it that there is no restriction based on the qualification of the person who surrenders?”
dharmaputhrAdhigaLum …
That is, many personalities perform surrender as seen in:
kshathriyas (kings) such as dharmaputhra et al as said in mahAbhAratham “dhraupathyA sahithAs sarvE namSchakrur janArdhanam” (pANdavas along with dhraupdhi offered obeisances to krishNa as an act of surrender).
dhraupadhi, a woman, as in mahAbhAratham sabhA parvam “Sanka chakra gadhA pANE dhvArakA nilaiyAchyutha – gOvindha puNdarIkAksha rakshamAm SaraNAgathAm” (Oh one who is having conch, disc and maze! Oh resident of dhvArakA! Oh achyutha! Oh gOvindha! Oh puNdarIkAksha! Protect me who is surrendered to you).
jayantha, son of indhra, who hid his celestial form and came as a crow and committed great offence as in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 38.33 “sapithrAcha parithyaktha: suraiScha samaharshibhi: | thrInlOkAn samparikramya thamEva SaraNamgatha: ||” (That kAkAsura being abandoned by his mother and father, great sages and celestial beings, after running around the three worlds, again returned to perumAL and surrendered unto him).
kALiya, who is born in an animal species, that too an unfavourable one, surrendered as in SrIvishNu purANam 5.7.10 “sOham thE dhEvadhEvESE nArchanAdhau sthuthaunacha | sAmarthyavAn krupApAthra manOvruththi: prasIdhamE ||” (Oh lord of dhEvathAs! I am not having the ability to engage in archanai (worshipping) or sthOthram (praising) of you! Your highness should shower your unconditional grace on me who is in such a state).
SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn, who is born in an animal species, and a favourable devotee, as said in vishNu thathvam 69.80 “paramApadham ApannO manasA chinthayath harim | sathu nAgavara: SrImAn nArAyaNa parAyaNa: ||” (gajEndhrAzhwAn, who is having the wealth of kainkaryam, who meditates upon bhagavAn and who is best among the elephants, having attained great danger, meditated upon hari in his mind).
SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn, who is born in demon species, as said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 17.16 “sOham parushithasthEna dhAsavachchAvamAnitha: | thyakthvA puthrAmScha dhArAmScha rAghavam SaraNam gatha: ||” (I, who gave good advice to rAvaNa, was abused with harsh words by such rAvaNa and was insulted like a servant, have abandoned my wife and children and surrendered to SrI rAma).
perumaL, who is the refuge for all, as said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 21.1 “bAhum bhujaga bOgAbam upathAyArisUthana : | anjalim prAngumukha: kruthvA prathishishyE mahOdhadhE: ||” (Subsequently SrI rAma, the annihilator of enemies, spreading sacred grass on the sea shore, making a respectful salutation by joining his palms to the great ocean with his face turned eastward, lay down with his arm as his pillow, resembling the body of a snake).
iLaiyaperumAL, who is from the other shore (paramapadham), who serves bhagavAn following him everywhere, as said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 31.2 “sabrAthuScharaNau gAdam nipIdya raghu nandhana: | sIthAmuvAchAthiyaSA: rAghavam cha mahAvratham ||” (lakshmaNa the most famed one, held the feet of his brother tightly and appealed to pirAtti; then he appealed to Sri rAma who had the grand vow of protecting those who surrender unto him).
thudakkamAnavargaL (thodakkamAnavargaL)
[few other personalities are identified by mAmunigaL] By this, (that is, “et al”), surrender of these other personalities are also considered.
muchikundha as said in SrI bhAgavatham 10.51 “sOham thvAm SaraNam apAram apramEyam samprAptha: paramapadham yathO na kinchith | samsAra Srama parithApa thaptha chEthA nirvANE pariNa thadhAmni sAbhilAsha: ||” (I who am having the heart which was tormented by the heat of samsAra and who is having the desire to reach the luminous paramapadham, surrendered unto you who have the great fame of not having anyone greater than yourself as the ultimate goal).
kshathrabandhu as said in “mUdOpam alpam athiralpa vichEshtithOyam klishtam manOsya vishayair namayi prasangI | iththam krupAm kurumayi praNathEkilEcha thvAm sthOthum ambuja bhavOpihi dhEva nESa: ||” (I am ignorant; I have a very petty intellect; I engage in mischievous acts; my mind is filled with evil aspects. Oh lord of everything! Oh lord of dhEvathAs! You should show your mercy towards me who is worshipping you in this manner. Even brahmA cannot praise you enough).
mAdhavi as said in “bhagavantham prapannA sA bhagavantham avApaha” (That mAdhavI surrendered to bhagavAn and reached him).
The wives of kALiya as said in SrIvishNu purANam 5.7.7 “tham prabinna SirOgrIvam AsyEbya srutha SONitham | vilOkya SaraNam jagmusthath pathnyO madhusUdhanam ||” (The wives of kALiya, who was having cuts in his head, neck and face and blood oozing from those spots, surrendered to krishNa considering him to be the refuge)
dhEvathAs starting with indhra as said in “praNAma pravaNA nAtha dhaithya sainya parAjithA: | SaraNam thvAmanu prApthAs samasthA dhEvathA gaNA: ||” (Oh lord! Groups of dhEvathAs who were defeated by the armies of asuras surrendered unto your highness considering you as their refuge, with eagerness to offer obeisances).
SrI vAnara sEnai (the monkey army) as said in SrI rAmAyaNam 94.17 “rAkshasair vadhyamAnAnAm vAnarANAm mahAchamU: | SaraNyam SaraNam yAthA rAmAm dhaSarathAthmajam ||” (The monkey armies which were tormented by rAvaNa surrendered to SrI rAma, who is the son of dhaSaratha chakravathi, considering him to be the refuge).
Since all of these personalities have performed surrender, it is understood that there is no restriction based on the qualification of the persons who surrender; everyone who has the taste to surrender, will be qualified for the same.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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