krishNa leelAs and their essence

SrI:  SrImathE satakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:  SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

vEdham says “ajAyamAna: bahudhA vijAyathE” (One who does not take a birth accepts many births); bhagavAn, who is known through vEdham, says “bahUnimE vyathIthAni janmAni” (I have had many births as well); nammAzhwAr, who is best among vaidhikas (those who follow vEdham) and who knows the essence of vEdham, says “sanmam pala pala seydhu” (Accepting many births); in these manners, bhagavAn accepting many births is explained. We take birth repeatedly and suffer due to our karma (deeds). But since bhagavAn is incarnating to uplift us, out of his compassion, in every birth his radiance is increasing. This great principle is shown by SAsthram and AzhwArs.

Among these avathArams (incarnations), ten avathArams are glorified primarily.  thirumangai AzhwAr explains this beautifully in a single sentence saying “mInOdu Amai kEzhal ari kuRaLAy munnum irAmanAyth thAnAyp pinnum irAmanAyth thAmOdharanumAyk kaRkiyum AnAn” (emperumAn became a fish, turtle, wild boar, lion, dwarf (vAmana), paraSurAma (the first rAma), himself as SrI rAma, balarAma (the subsequent rAma), dhAmOdhara and kalki). Even among these, SrI rAmAvathAram and krishNAvathAram are greatly glorified by our elders. Between these too, due to the proximity of having occurred towards the end of dhvApara yugam, krishNAvathAram immensely attracted rishis (sages), AzhwArs and AchAryas. Specifically, there is none who is not attracted in krishNa’s childhood pastimes.  emperumAn engaged in amazing activities which will melt even hard-hearted persons.

krishNa mercifully says in SrI bhagavath gIthA “Those who truly understand my birth and activities, will reach me certainly”. Hence, we will see krishNAvathAram in the sequence shown in dhaSama skandham (tenth chapter) of SrI bhAgavatham along with the underlying principles of the aspects as shown by our pUrvAchAryas, in a simple way in the coming days.

Source –

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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