Srivaishnava lakshanam – 13


srimathe ramanujaya nama:
srimad varavaramunaye nama:
sri vaanaachala mahamunaye nama:

In the previous article (
we observed how Manavaala Maamunigal manifested all the qualities
expected out of a srivaishnava. We will continue to enjoy some more of
his glories and will end this series with that. It is said that
“madhurEna samaapayEth:” – “end it sweet”. What could be sweeter than
discussing maamunigal’s glories? It is emperumaan’s divine plan that
this srivaishnava lakshanam series completes with maamunigal anubhavam.

srivachana bhUshana divya saastram, sUtram 221 – it is said that
vEthakap pon pOlE ivarkaLOttai sambaNtham (வேதகப் பொன் போலே இவர்களோட்டை
ஸம்பந்தம்) –  in the commentary maamunigal explains that sambandham with
srivaishnavas will make us pure – just like alchemy – the process by
which a chemical combination touches iron
and changes that iron piece into gold. In periya thirumozhi, kaliyan
says “thammaiyE NALum vanNanGgith thozhuvArkku, thammaiyEyokka
aruLcheyvar” (தம்மையே நாளும் வணங்கித் தொழுவார்க்கு, தம்மையேயொக்க
அருள்செய்வர்) – One who constantly worships emperumaan becomes like
emperumaan (i.e., gets apahathapaapmaa, vijira:, etc – eight qualities
as mentioned in saastram) by his grace. But the difference between
emperumaan and srivaishnavas is quite clear just by these two pramaanams
– to become a pure vaishnava we only need to establish the relationship
with another pure vaishnava, but the same with emperumaan will happen
only when we constantly (24 hrs, 360 days, forever) engage in
worshipping emperumaan.

This we can see from our pUrvaachaaryas
lives – just like Emperumaanaar transformed the lives of so many. His
sishyas were quite comparable to him, koorathaazhwaan,
mudhaliaandaan, embar, arulaala perumaal emperumaanaar, etc are all
equally great but always considered themselves subservient to
The same way maamunigal sishyas also – Ponnadikkaal
jeeyar, koyil kandhaadai annan, Pattarbhiraan jeeyar, thiruvEnkata
jeeyar, Prathivaadhi bayankaram annan, Erumbiappaa, appullaar, appillai,
etc are all equally glorious, but they all considered themselves
subservient to maamunigal. This we can understand from upadhEsa rathina
maalai 55th paasura vyaakyaanam (discussed in previous article) – pillai
lOkam jeeyar, the commentator, while initially says “periya jeeyar is
the only one who can be said as Ororuvar”, continues to say how
prathivaadhi bayankaram annan, pattarbhiraan jeeyar, madhrakavi dhaasar
are all qualified to be said “Ororuvar”. How aptly this relates to the
sUtram we have discussed here?

Let us see a quick summary of what is discussed so far in this series:

with these in mind, if we simply try to adhere to the following
principles, we will also slowly but surely develop the srivaishnava
lakshanam that is explained by our pUrvaachaaryas.

  • Have full faith in pUrvaachaaryas vaazhvum (lives) and vaakkum (instructions).
  • Always have upakaara smrithi (gratitude) towards emperumaan and acharyan for the favours they have done to us.
  • Accept bhagavad, bhaagavatha vishayam as much as possible and reject others.
  • Avoid dhEvathaanthara bhajanam.
  • Practise naichyaanusandhaanam – always think of ourselves lower than others.
  • Maintain proper aahaara niyamam.

With this adiyen would like to end this series of articles.

While adiyen
collected very valuable information on our pUrvaacharya’s jnaanam and
anushtaanam from various works of pUrvaachaaryas, adiyen requests every one to
hear these matters as kaalakshEpam under a proper acharyan. Without hearing
from vidhwaans and just by reading books on our own, these matters cannot be
understood properly.

adiyen would like to first thank sriya:pathi, azhwars and acharyas for inspiring adiyen to write these articles. adiyen would also like to thank all the swamys from whom adiyen
heard kaalakshEpams without which adiyen would not have understood any
of these. If there is anything good in these articles it belongs to our
acharya paramparai and these swamys. Also, adiyen requests all srivaishnavas to ignore
any of adiyen’s mistakes in these articles and just accept the essence of these articles.

srimathE ramya jaamaathru munIndhraaya mahaatmanE

srirangavaasinE bhUyaath nithyasri: nithya mangalam

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
archived in

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