SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
Srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
Sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

In the previous article, we understood the glories of our guru paramaparai. Now, let us understand the importance of dhivya prabandhams and dhivya dhESams.
SrIman nArAyaNan
is the supreme God who is filled with unlimited and wonderful
auspicious qualities. Out of his divine and unconditional grace, he
blessed selected jIvAthmAs to become AzhwArs (great saints who preached pure and exclusive devotion towards SrIman nArAyaNan).
Though He was the supremely independent master of the nithyasUris
(eternally free souls) and mukthAthmAs (liberated souls), he wanted to
rid himself of the one agony he had.
That agony is him suffering
for the suffering of the bound souls in the material world. Him being
the supreme father of every one, he was unable to bear the suffering of
his children who are caught in the cycle of birth and death in the
material world. One may question, if the supreme God will have any
agony/sorrow – him being sathya kAma (one who can fulfill all his
desires) and sathya sankalpa (one who can accomplish anything). Our AchAryas
have explained that him feeling the pain for the suffering souls is
also his auspicious quality. Just like an all-capable father who is
happily living with his one child will still worry for his other child
who is staying away from him on his own and struggling, bhagavAn, though being all-capable, he is feeling the pain looking at the plight of the jIvAthmAs
in samsAram (material world) who are suffering since time-immemorial
due to being covered by ignorance and lacking of true knowledge.
To facilitate the upliftment of such suffering jIvAthmAs, he gives body and senses for the jIvAthmAs
during srushti (creation), reveals the sAsthram (scriptures), himself
descends in to the material world as various incarnations like SrI rAma,
krishNa, etc. Even after all of these, the jIvAthmAs
are not really willing to learn the true knowledge and accept his
supremacy. Just like a hunter will catch a deer using another trained
deer, He decides to uplift jIvAthmAs through other jIvAthmAs who are already in the material world. So he chooses a select few of them, blesses them with divine knowledge and makes them AzhwArs. AzhwAr means one who is immersed in bhagavath vishayam (spiritual matters). These AzhwArs
appeared in various holy places in the southern part of bhAratha
dhEsam as foretold by vEdha vyAsa in SrI bhAgavatham. We have already seen about the AzhwArs in previous articles.

AzhwArs compiled many pAsurams (verses) in glorification of SrIman nArAyaNan.
These pAsurams total up to 4000 verses approximately and are thus
called 4000 dhivya prabandham. dhivya means divine and prabandham means
literature (that which captures bhagavAn
himself). The various kshEthrams (holy places) which host bhagavAn in
his archA (deity) form that are glorified by AzhwArs became to be known
as dhivya dhESams. dhivya dhESams are said to be 108 in total. 106 of
those, exist in the various regions of bhAratha dhESam (including Nepal). kshIrAbdhi (milk
ocean) is situated within the material realm yet too far for usto
reach. parama padham is the spiritual realm which is reached after
liberation. SrIrangam is considered as the primary dhivya dhESam and
thirumalA, kAnchIpuram, thiruvallikkENi, AzhwAr thirunagari etc., are some important dhivya dhESams. bhagavAn is said to have five manifestations
– supreme lord in paramapadham, vyUha form in kshIrAbdhi, antharyAmi
(as the in-dwelling super soul), vibhava (incarnations such as SrI rAma,
krishNa etc) and finally archA (deity) form. Among these forms, the
deity form is considered as the most magnanimous form of bhagavAn which is approachable by every one at all times. Our pUrvAchArys held the dhivya dhESams as their life and dedicated their life in serving bhagavAn and bhAgavathas in such dhivya dhESams. For more information, please visit .
prabandham brought out the essence of vEdham/vEdhAntham in simple and
chaste thamizh. The whole purpose of these dhivya prabandhams is to
uplift the jIvAthmAs by transmitting true knowledge. Several hundreds of years after the time of AzhwArs, many AchAryas starting with nAthamunigaL, centered with SrI rAmAnuja and ending with mAmunigaL appeared and preached the divine message of AzhwArs. While less intelligent people considered AzhwArs pAsurams as simple thamizh songs, the most intelligent AchAryas established that these pAsurams bring out the ultimate philosophy of SrIman nArAyaNan
being the means (to be uplifted from this material world) and the goal
(to be situated in ones true nature of eternal service to SrIman nArAyaNan in paramapadham – spiritual world). Our pUrvAchAryas fully relished the dhivya prabandhams and centered their life around learning them, teaching them and living by those pAsurams.

There was a dark period in the history where the dhivya prabandhams were lost in time after the time of AzhwArs. Eventually, it was nAthamunigaL who took lots of hardships to locate AzhwAr thirunagari which is the birth place of nammAzhwAr and he learnt all the 4000 dhivya prabandham with their meanings by the divine grace of nammAzhwAr. nAthamunigaL
classified the 4000 dhivya prabandhams into 4 parts as we see today,
taught them to his sishyas and brought out the importance of these
dhivya prabandhams. He added kaNNinuN chiRu thAmbu into 4000 dhivya
prabandhams in honour of madhurakavi AzhwAr who showed unflinching devotion towards nammAzhwAr.

SrI rAmAnuja (emperumAnAr)
who is considered as an incarnation of Adhi sEsha and who appeared a
century later received the same through the guru paramparA by studying
the same under various AchAryas per the desire of yAmunAchArya. He then spread the glories of AzhwArs
and their works to all sections of the society and greatly facilitated
the propagation of this SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam. It is because of his
great contribution, this sampradhAyam was declared to be known as SrI rAmAnuja dharsanam by SrI ranganAtha himself. Also, rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi which was sung in glorification of SrI rAmAnuja by thiruvarangaththu amudhanAr was added into 4000 dhivya prabandham by the AchAryas
due to his greatness. This rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi is glorified as
“prapanna gAyathri” – that which is to be recited compulsorily by all
prapannas (ones who are surrendered) every day, just like how gAyathri
manthram is to be recited by brAhmaNas everyday.

nampiLLai is an important AchArya (coming in the parampArA after emperumAnAr, embAr, bhattar and nanjIyar)
who should be mentioned at this juncture. He was living in SrIrangam
and was the leader of SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam during his times. It was
during his period in SrIrangam, the meanings of 4000 dhivya prabandham
were given great importance. He was engaged in giving lectures everyday
close to the sanctum sanctorium of periya perumAL – SrI ranganAtha. It is explained that even periya perumAL would stand up and try to peek through the window to hear his lectures. nampiLLai‘s sishyas also greatly contributed to propagate the meanings of these dhivya prabandhams. periyavAchchAn piLLai who is a sishya of nampiLLai
and also known as vyAkyAna chakkaravarthy (emperor among commentators)
wrote commentaries for all dhivya prabandhams and his contribution is
greatly hailed by our AchAryas. vadakku thiruvIdhi piLLai, who is another sishya of nampiLLai, documented the lectures given by nampiLLai on thiruvAimozhi and this document became to be known as eedu 36000 padi (the most cherished vyAkyAnam of thiruvAimozhi).

After nampiLLai‘s time, piLLai lOkAchAryar
leads the sath sampradhAyam and documents all the most confidential
matters of dhivya prabandham in his rahasya granthams. These
confidential matters were explained by various AchAryas at various times in various granthams. piLLai lOkAchAryar
consolidated those and documented them in his 18 primary works. But
towards the end of his life, tragedy struck SrIrangam in the form of
mughal invaders who destroyed everything there. piLLai lOkAchAryar
arranged for the safe journey of namperumAL (SrI ranganAtha – uthsavar)
and escaped from the invaders from there along with namperumAL. Shortly
in to the journey, he ascended to paramapadham due to the difficult
journey through forests at such advanced age. Then came a lengthy
period of suffering for the whole of SrIvaishNava community. After few
decades, when peace prevailed and invaders were driven out, namperumAL
eventually returned to SrIrangam.

Finally, maNavALa mAmunigaL who is considered as an incarnation of SrI rAmAnuja himself, appeared in AzhwAr thirunagari. He became a sishya of thiruvAimozhi piLLai and learns all the esoteric meanings of vEdham, vEdhAntham and dhivya prabandhams from his own father and thiruvAimozhi piLLai. Under the orders of thiruvAimozhi piLLai
(his AchArya), he reached SrIrangam and spent the rest of his life in
rejuvenating the sath sampradhAyam to its past glories. He personally
searched for all the lost literature, studied them, recorded them in
palm leaves with great difficulty and preserved them for future
generations to come. Fittingly, in appreciating his great qualities and
efforts, SrI ranganAtha himself listens to thiruvAimozhi kAlakshEpam
from mAmunigaL for a whole year and at the end of the lecture series, he himself appears as a small boy and accepts mAmunigaL
as his AchArya and submits him the most glorious “SrISailESa
dhayApAthram…” thaniyan. Subsequently, many AchAryas who came in
various lineages taught and lived by these dhivya prabandhams.
Thus, AzhwArs‘ dhivya prabandhams which were focussed on the upliftment of jIvAthmAs which is to fulfill the desire of bhagavAn have been preserved by our pUrvAchAryas
through the history. It is emphasised greatly that all SrIvaishNavas
should learn the dhivya prabandhams, understand the meanings properly
and live by them.
It would be very useful to understand the
validity and glories of AzhwArs and their dhivya prabhandhams. Please
read the following articles which go through them in detail:
- part 1 –
- part 2 –
Please visit our dhivya prabandham portal at for translations of various prabadhams in multiple languages.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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