SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 98

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

In this manner, after explaining the sequential attainment of results as one acquires Samam and dhamam in ascending order, piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains in descending order the reason for each one of these aspects being eternal.

sUthram 98

prApya lAbham prApakaththAlE; prApaka lAbham thirumanthraththAlE; thirumanthra lAbham AchAryanAlE; AchArya lAbham Athma guNaththAlE.

Simple Explanation

Attainment of the goal is by the means [bhagavAn]; attainment of the means is by thirumanthram (ashtAksharam); attainment of thirumanthram is from AchAryan; attainment of AchAryan is by noble qualities.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

prApya lAbham …

The purpose of explaining in this way is to say that these two [Samam and dhamam] should occur in the prapanna [one who surrenders] since these two are the first in the sequence of reasons [for the attainment of the ultimate goal]. Since ISvara is the prApakam [means], instead of saying “prApya lAbham ISvaranAlE“, it was said as “prApya lAbham prApakaththAlE“.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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