SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar is showing pramANams (evidences) for emperumAn’s lotus feet remaining embracable even if he is angry.
sUthram 380
“krupayA paryapAlayath” “arisinaththAl”
Simple Explanation
SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 38.34 “krupayA paryapAlayath” perumAL thirumozhi 5.1 “arisinaththAl“.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
“krupayA paryapAlayath“
SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 38.34 “satham nipathitham bhUmau SaraNya: SaraNAgatham | vadhArhamapi kAkuthstha: krupayA paryapAlayath ||” (perumAL, the refuge, with his mercy, protected kAkAsura who had fallen on the ground, who had surrendered, even if he deserved to be killed) – just as it is said that the crow which had committed great offense and was shot at using brahmAsthram, looked all around and fell at the divine feet of SrI rAma, as it did not find any refuge, he protected it using his mercy.
perumAL thirumozhi 5.1 “arisinaththAl InRa thAy agaRRidilum maRRavaL than aruL ninaindhE azhum kuzhavi adhuvE pOnRirundhEnE” (Even if the mother, who had great anger to cut her child into pieces, pushed her child aside, it will cry embracing her feet – I am in the same situation) – the mother who prayed long to get a child, may become angry to cut the child in to pieces, when the child engages in huge mischief; even if she angrily pushes the child away, the child, without any other refuge, will look into the face of its angry mother; similar to that child, even if your highness looks at my mistakes and tries to push me away, I have no other refuge than your divine feet – mercifully said SrI kulaSEkarap perumAL. Hence, it is clear that what is said in “sIRinAlum kAlaik kattik koLLalAmbadi iruppAn oruvan” is correct.
In this manner, the principle mercifully explained by kulaSEkara AzhwAr, was mercifully explained by ALavndhAr too in sthOthra rathnam 26 “nirAsakasyApi na thAvadhuthsahE mahESa! hAthum thava pAdhapankajam | rushA nirasthO’pi Sisu: sthanandhayO na jAthu mAthuScharaNau jihAsathi || (Oh sarvESvara (lord of all)! Even (if you) pushed (me) aside, I will not dare to let go of your divine lotus feet; [just like, even] if a nursing baby was pushed away (by the mother) out of anger, [the baby] would never like to leave the mother’s feet.
Thus, up to here, the doubts raised subsequent to sUthram 367 “bhayAbhayangaL iraNdum mARAdil agyathaiyE sidhdhikkum“.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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